Sunday, September 21, 2008

Recently Read #1

Lately, I read the book A Million Little Pieces. It was very good and became one of my favorites. This book is about a drug addict in who goes to treatment in Minnesota, and the reason i liked it was because it seemed so real, and not covered up or hidden. The reader gets to experience rehab with James Frey, the author, and the book had a really good message.

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Nineteen Minutes

One of my favorite books of all time is called Nineteen Minutes. It is written by Jodi Picoult who has also written many other books, such as My Sister's Keeper and The Pact. This book is about a boy who could never fit in at school and was always picked on. He came to school with a gun and affected so many lives around him by killing 12 of his classmates. This story was really touching because it made me realize how easily something like this could happen at my school, all starting with a little boy who was made fun for as long as he can remember.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hall Of Fame

Kirstin graduated from Edina High School in 2011, receiving many honors. She went to Michigan State University and went on to start her own architectural and interior design business, and has designed houses and buildings for celebrities all over the world. She has also done some pretty exciting things in her life, such as swimming from the North Pole to the South Pole, biking up Mt. Everest, and hang gliding across the country. Kirstin has also traveled to poverty-stricken countries around the globe, donating schools and hospitals with her enormous wealth from her design business. Kirstin now lives on the East Coast.

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Adaptable: I consider myself a pretty adaptable person. I'm up for anything, so when new things come my way, I jump at the chance to try something new. I think life gets boring unless you try new things, which is another reason why I'm welcome to change. When plans change, I'm not the type to get mad, I just try to go with the flow and have fun. I think I have pretty much always been this way, because I don't remember ever missing out on anything because I didn't want change.