Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Recently Read #2

I am still reading Twilight, and it is getting pretty exciting. After Bella finds out Edward Cullen is a vampire, he swears her to secrecy- but its not like she would tell anyone anyways because she's in love with him. Bella breaks the news to her dad that she is dating Edward, and he's surprised about her choice (he's the town cop and knows everyone). The Cullens always kept to themselves and never really mingled with anyone else, so its surprising to him that she is dating Edward. One day while Bella is playing baseball with the Cullens, another group of vampires encounters the, and become interested in her because she is a human. One of the vampires is a 'tracker', and decides he is going to track Bella down and attack her. Edward wants to protect her, so he sends her off with his brother in sister and now she is in hiding...

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