Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Recently Read #13

Right now i'm reading a book called, Tuesdays With Morrie, by Mitch Albom. It's a really good book so far, it's about an old man that's dying and he knows he has less than a year to live left. He was a professor his whole life until he found out he had ALS. Morrie tried to keep teaching with the disease, but he became too weak to leave his house. One of his old students (the author), hears about his story on TV and realizes how long it's been since he said he would visit his old teacher. Instead of just mourning and getting weaker by the day, Morrie takes advantage of his time left and he starts to meet every Tuesday with Mitch, who has become a big time sports writer and lost track of what he really wants. Right now they are just starting to meet again, and I will see what comes next.

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