Thursday, January 15, 2009

Recently Read #15

I finished Tuesdays with Morrie, and I thought it was really good, but it was sad. Morrie has gotten weaker and weaker by the weeks. His joke had always been that he knew he was actually dying when somebody had to wipe him after he went to the bathroom, and that day had come. Morrie had always been welcoming and eager for people to come talk to with him and hear his ideas, but now even that was getting to be too much. Mitch was one of the only people who could visit him until he got worn out, and he realizes how special these last days are. At the end of al this, Morrie feels he is going to die, and Mitch and him say their goodbyes. Mitch decides that he's going to visit Morrie's grave every Tuesday (since that's tradition), and talk with him just as he always had. Morrie dies quietly, his funeral was on a Tuesday, but he will definitly never be forgotten.

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