Sunday, March 15, 2009


For my first research post, I read an article about the genocide in Rwanda.
These are some things I learned:
-This genocide took place in 1994 (it surprised me that it was so recent)
-800,000 Tutsis were killed with up to 10,000 killed each day (EFFECT)
-after the Hutus seized power, many Tutsis fleed, but came back demanding that the power be equally shared (CAUSE)
-after the Hutu president was assassinated in a neighboring country, more ethnic tensions grew (CAUSE)
-a United Nations group was sent to Rwanda to preserve peace (EFFECT)
-after peace meetings between the Rwandan pesident and Burundi's new president, the presidents were shot down (EFFECT)
-after this extreme effent, Rwanda plunged into extreme violence (EFFECT)
-killings spread throughout the countryside (EFFECT)
-as United Nations peacemakers were murdered, the others were being evacuated, leaving little help (EFFECT)
-U.N. security unanimously voted to abandon Rwanda (EFFECT)
-by the end, over 1/10 of the population was killed, estimated 800,000 people. (EFFECT)


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